Friday, July 27, 2012

#PayItForward: Food Good, Laundry Bad @evinschmevin

Most Fridays, I will share with you a post from another blog that I find particularly moving, interesting, or funny. They will be posts that fit the DKL mold... ones I think people who read this blog would enjoy. Another blogger I follow started something similar. I also wanted to do this because someone paid it forward to me, giving me tons of new followers. So this is the least I can do...

As I have chronicled before, I am the cook in our house. And while I post the occasional recipe here on DKL, I don't necessarily follow recipes per se. I like to freestyle and I've memorized a lot of stuff from watching and cooking with my mom. There is one food blogger I love to follow, but not for the recipes. It's for the way she spins tales about her family and life as a stay-at-home mom while she's talking about the food. So to me she's a mommy blogger with a twist. A delicious and often hilarious twist.

Her name is Evin and she calls her blog Food Good, Laundry Bad. I think her conversational writing style makes her blog funny, enjoyable, and engaging. This post made me laugh out loud. It wasn't a recipe. And while it wasn't about food, it WAS about cooking... kind of. It's the perfect example of what you could expect from her:
I just took Tristan to see Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon yesterday and it really cemented my celebrity crush. This is someone I've had a huge crush on for years, and I really think would be the perfect partner for me. Who is this bastion of awesomeness? (The answer is something you'd never expect and the reason is hilarious. Click to find out.)
Not long after that, Evin made me cause another scene in public. Once again, I read one of her posts and laughed out loud while sitting on a quiet bus. I think it takes TALENT to make cooking an omelet funny. This lady's got TALENT:
Everybody was either at work or at Grandma's having a sleepover tonight, so I decided to enjoy an omelet, a salad, a glass of wine and a Jane Austen novel.
Here's how to make an omelet (if you're me)... (Keep reading because steps 4 and 6 are what had me laughing out loud on the bus.)
Most recently, she wrote a rant about one thing she wishes "experienced" moms would stop saying to moms of babies. And ya know what? She's absolutely right. Click here to read that one.

Evin does it all: funny, angry, helpful, random, serious, and everything in between. And she does it all so well. She's also a Twitter all-star so you should follow her there. Facebook too. You won't be disappointed.


  1. I love your pay it forward style! And I agree... Evin is the bomb.

    1. Yes. Evin is one of my favorites. She's a keeper.


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