"Megamind:" (2010/rated PG): Is it bad that when my four year-old daughter heard the first few chords of ACDC's "Highway to Hell" on the radio in the car yesterday, and recognized it, that I got excited? I smiled. I beamed with pride. She knows the song because this past weekend we let her watch this movie. The song is prominently featured in one of the film's main scenes. I found this movie hilarious because I find Will Ferrell hilarious. He voices the title character. But, if I'm being honest, I do not think this movie is totally appropriate for my daughter. But the toothpaste is out of the tube already. There's a lot of fighting (humorous violence, if you will). And the aforementioned classic ACDC song is in it, with its reference to hell. I've said before that my biggest concern in movies is language, not violence. (Read other reviews below.) But I am getting more relaxed about that because I think my daughter is showing me she can handle it. She hasn't repeat anything I would consider objectionable... yet. I think if she did, one of us would correct her and we'd move on. We wouldn't make a big deal about it. I broke another of my rules and only watched about the first 20 minutes without the Peanut, and still approved her watching it. My wife was surprised. "What can I say," I told her. "I'm full of surprises." So is this movie, like "Despicable Me" below, with its evil-turns-good message.
Click here for the movie's official site. (It plays "Highway to Hell when you enter!)
"Shrek Forever After:" (2010/rated PG) The problem with a lot of these movies, as parents, is that the villains are so damn funny. Such is the case with this movie and Rumplestiltskin. He's so funny. And the Peanut thinks he's so funny, that I have mastered an impression of him. An impression she now demands I perform at will. When you watch this movie the first time, you think, "Wow, this little bastard is evil." And you doubt whether your child should be watching it. But the overriding themes of this movie, like all of the Shrek movies really, are love and friendship. And those are things I like to teach my daughter. Shrek makes a deal with "Rumple" that allows him to go back and be a mean ogre again for a day. But Rumple tricks him... and hilarity ensues. Shrek realizes his family and friends are the most important things in his life. And he tries as hard as he can to get them back. And because I'm a big softy despite my snark and sarcasm, I love this line from Fiona as she and Shrek are arguing in the beginning of the movie: "You have three beautiful children, a wife who loves you, friends who adore you. You have everything. Why is it the only person who can't see that is you?" This movie's not great for a child the Peanut's age. But lines like that and one at the end from Shrek (I won't give it away) make it worth it to me. Here's the official site for all things Shrek.
"Despicable Me:" (2010/rated PG) If you know me, you know that despite my irreverent mouth and questionable morals, I am hesitant to show the Peanut certain movies. Especially if they're rated PG. The strong language concerns me (see the How to Train Your Dragon review below). My wife DVR'd this movie for the two of us to watch. And after watching it, with very low expectations, we were pleasantly surprised. This movie is very funny. I was laughing out loud at some parts. Steve Carrell gives a great performance as the lead character. The three little girls that his character adopts are adorable. I love how they are the ones who provide the moral lessons in this movie. And the "minion" guys that work for him are hilarious. We thought the music and animation were top notch too. What I'm starting to realize is that it's ok to show the Peanut movies with bad characters or rough language. As long as we talk about it, and are ready to answer her questions, **SPOILER ALERT** In the end, the main character chooses love over evil. A lesson worth watching and sharing with your kids. Read more about the movie and watch the trailer here.
"Winnie the Pooh:" (2011/rated G) This is a perfect movie to take a young child to. My 4 year-old was totally entertained, and the total running time of an hour and fifteen minutes is very kid-friendly. The storyline is simple, the characters are familiar, and the songs are even catchy. I think it's clever how this film uses the actual story book to tell the the story, with the characters walking on and interacting with the words and letters. I'm not sure it would keep the interest of a child over the age of, say 6 or 7. Depends on your child's preferences. If you go with a spouse, you may, like me, be treated to a 10 minute power nap and not feel you missed any pertinent plot lines or dramatic dialogue.
Click here to see the movie's site and watch the trailer.
"Meet the Robinsons:" (2007/rated G): This is the movie the Peanut decided to watch repeatedly while we were on vacation recently. No joke, she watched it no less than 14 times in a six day period. And you know what? I didn't mind at all. We've watched this movie a lot over the past couple of years. And my wife and I absolutely love it. It's touching, it's funny, and it has a wonderful message about overcoming adversity and learning from your failures. The music in it is great too. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up on this one. Click here to see the movie's site and watch the trailer.
"How to Train Your Dragon:" (2010/rated PG): Let me start by saying I think this movie is amazing. The animation, the story, the characters... all just tremendous. It addresses trust, friendship, and not judging a book by its cover. All great lessons. That being said, being the dad of a 4 year-old girl, I would have wished to hold off for at least a year or two before introducing her to this film. I give my daughter credit. She's not scared of any of the intense fighting scenes in this movie. But I'm more concerned with the dialogue. There's a lot of talk about "killing" dragons. And one of the main characters at one point says that "all hell is going to break loose."I've been criticized before for my prude stance when it comes to letting the Peanut watch movies with language and themes like this. Fine. All kids and parents are different. I just would have waited. Click here to see the movie's site and watch the trailer.
Sometimes my wife and I use this site to help determine if a movie is age appropriate for the Peanut.
*I will continue to add to this list. If there's a movie or show you'd like our thoughts on, let me know on Facebook or Twitter. Or email me: DKLblog (at) gmail (dot) com.