Thursday, December 20, 2012

THE PEANUT GALLERY: Ghosts of Christmas Cards Past

We take pride in our annual Christmas card. It's one of our favorite, if not our favorite, non-traditional traditions. We are not the kind of people who pose for perfect pictures, or would pose our child for a perfect picture, to evoke an image of the perfect family for our friends, colleagues, and loved ones. No. No. No. Family is not perfect. It is most certainly, and wonderfully, imperfect. We must laugh at our imperfections every chance we get. Here is the image and caption from our first-ever family Christmas card, sent the year after we were married:

2003: "Here's hoping the holidays
don't make you NUTS."

We were on to something. The next year, instead of posing for a ridiculous picture, we chose the most hilarious image from the year. Here's me, slightly inebriated, on the 4th of July at the Jersey Shore, "borrowing" a child's bicycle and helmet:
2004: "May Christmas bring out
the kid in you."
Then Luna arrived, opening a whole new world of hilarity:
2005: "Oh, crap. Not another Christmas sweater."
Then, someone else arrived, or was about to. Some accused of us of being sacrilegious with this one: (They're off the list now.)
2006: "What child is THIS?!"
Soon, Peanut would be the one opening up a whole new world of hilarity:
2008: "Never one to conform to popular belief,
(Peanut) does not subscribe to the
'Better not pout' policy." 

Still, Luna remains our best subject:
2010: "And what to our wondering eyes should appear?
But a miniature dog who ate tiny reindeer."
Not to be outdone, Peanut is now old enough to inspire her own brand of hilarity:

2012: "Definitely naughty" (FRONT)
She learns from the master:
"Definitely nice." (BACK)
I recently wrote about two other traditions. One that I hope Peanut does NOT pick up. The other, a very special one. You can read about them HERE


  1. Inspiration! I hate doing holiday cards. They may get fun again!

    1. Making them fun is the only way to make them enjoyable. We decide on the theme usually over Thanksgiving weekend. This year, we scrapped our original plan in favor of this... after I remembered that picture of us.

  2. Love your cards (and the post)!

  3. Love Luna, who "ate reindeer"!!!! LOLOL

    1. I must admit... that one was clever. It's more difficult than you might think to try to snap a specific picture of your dog doing something.

  4. I just wrote a post about Christmas cards too :) The Christmas Card Calamity- you can read that here:

    1. Thanks for sharing your very personal story. God bless.

  5. Fantastic. You put our cards to shame. Course, we only send out 6, and they all know how weird we are.

    1. Well, we send like 150 and after 10 years of this , everyone definitely knows how weird WE are.


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